About Joint-Stock Company " Ecotor "

Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR " has incorporated experience of designing, start-up and adjustment of clearing constructions of head division on preservation of the environment of the enterprises of a process industry at the USSR Agroprome and trust " Rosvodokanalnaladka " which more than 50 years has specialized on global environmental problems in the USSR in the USSR.
Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR " introduces the unique technologies protected by patents providing competitiveness among manufacturers known all over the world on clearing of sewage. Including on the basis of cavitational-biological processing currents.
The introduced equipment for clearing sewage is developed on the basis of the conversion technologies of a military-industrial complex originally intended for recycling of the chemical weapon.
The basic difference of these complexes of constructions is their high oxidizing ability at low operational expenses. Their technological circuit quickly allows to adapt for constantly varied conditions as the structure of drains acting on clearing changes during the day (the basic manufacture works under the pulsing circuit). The complex of clearing constructions is in a constant working condition even at the termination of receipt of pollution in days off and holidays.
Constructions of Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR " can provide full clearing of industrial, household and natural waters and is not dependent on a degree of their pollution.


Internation communications

Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR " has come into constant business contacts with many foreign industrial companies. Among them: Lario-products, Italy (manufacturing and statement of water-purifying complexes for the textile enterprises), Gabeg Gmbh, Germany (construction of clearing constructions for settlements and the industrial enterprises), Vladix Corporation, USA (development and construction of clearing constructions of the water drain for small settlements), Partner Russian Intelligence, USA (development and construction of clearing constructions of the water drain for the industrial enterprises).
Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR " plans to expand in further international communications, offering production answering to the world standards of quality.
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