Treatment of water device of Silk Coloring Factory in ÊÎÌÎ (ITALY)
Started work, - August 1995.
Delivery of object July, 1996.
Productivity - 2000 m3 / day.
The borrowed(occupied) area of 200 m2.

The complex of clearing constructions is intended for clearing of pollution of drains of processing and dyeing of silk and returning of the cleared water in manufacture. The area of constructions constructed on the traditional circuit, would make about 20000 m2, i.e. in 100 times more.
The actual current consumption - 83 kw / hour, per structure of constructions enters two-level biological clearing (aerotanks, sediment bowls, regenerators), electrochemical clearing (coagulators, a pressure head sediment bowl), filtering on sandy filters, sorbtion on coal absorbers, a pump-power facilities (economy) (20 pumps, 6 electrorectifiers), system of submission and distribution of water with the lock-adjusting armature controlled by three-stage computer system (the main computer, a shop computer, a technological computer).
Design works, management of erection works and adjustment are executed by Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR ".

The Volgograd factory of irrigating engineering makes the capacitor equipment.

Complex of clearing constructions in
Novoaninskiy of the Volgograd region
The beginning of works - March, 1995.
Delivery of object - July, 1996.
Productivity - 3600 ì3/day.
Complex of clearing constructions in. Novoaninskyi is intended for clearing drains of a vein (an inhabited) of building and the industrial enterprises with use of high purified sewage in fish-breeding ponds and with dump in a reservoir for fish farming purposes (assignments) (Peresvonka river).
The area of constructions constructed on traditional technology exceeds 50000 m2, i.e. more than in 200 times more. An actual current consumption at maximal production-45 kW / hour, i.e. 0.3 kW/m3.
Feature of constructions is application as a basic element of biological clearing drains - tower bioreactors with injected aeration, allowing essentially to reduce has eaten round constructions (200 m3 instead of 3000 m3). As elements of mechanical clearing and additional cleaning of drains the existing two-story sediment bowls reconstructed on technology of Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR " are used. Processing of formed deposits of sewage treatment are recycled and stipulated as valuable organic fertilizer.
Design works, management of erection works and adjustment are executed by Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR ".
The Volgograd factory of irrigating engineering makes the capacitor equipment.

Complex of clearing constructions
Novorossiyskiy seaport
The beginning of works - November, 2000.
Delivery of object - November, 2001.
Productivity- 250 ì3/day.

The complex of constructions for sewage treatment of the block of administrative - household buildings of the Western area of Novorossiyskiy seaport is developed and started up in operation by Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR " Volgograd in 2002.
Design daily average receipt of sewage on clearing makes about 250 m3 / day, but on clearing constructions goes 350 m3 / day because of household sewage drain on a complex and storm drains from adjoining territory. However existing constructions can provide required quality of clearing by volume and on quality i.e. to provide maximum permissible dump of polluting substances in water object.
Sewage treatment is projected as a multistage process. The integrated module of biological clearing of full factory readiness, providing necessary quality of clearing is used as the basic construction of sewage treatment.

Results of technological adjustment have shown that concentration in sewage of polluting substances is much more and is observed fluctuations on than has been supposed, there is a temperature fluctuation, and the concentration of chemical substances vary (COD - from 150 - 1400 mg / dm3), factor of non-uniformity of receipt of drains is very high - more than 2, however at a dump point (a collector of the storm water drain with release in water area of the sea) maximum-permissible concentration corresponds to all existing standards and norms.

Design works, management of erection works and adjustment are executed by Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR ".
The Volgograd factory of irrigating engineering makes the capacitor equipment.
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