About production

Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR " will carry out modernization of working clearing constructions of the water drain:
without a stop of technological process
without expansion of the areas therefore
capacity of clearing constructions grows in 2-5 times
quality of water treating is possible up to a level drinking, full recycling of waste products will be carried out
capital expenses are reduced in 3-5 times in comparison with new construction
operational expenses of constructions are reduced in 2-4 times

Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR " adjusts development and release of compact installations of factory manufacturing of small and average productivity (from 1 up to 60000 ì3/day) for clearing polluted industrial and household sewage. The basic difference of these complexes of constructions is their high oxidizing ability at low operational expenses.

Their technological circuit quickly allows to adapt for constantly varied conditions as the structure of drains acting on clearing changes within day some times (the basic manufacture works under the pulsing circuit). The complex of clearing constructions is in a constant working condition even at the termination of receipt of pollution in days off and holidays.

Constructions of Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR " can provide full clearing of industrial, household and natural waters is not dependent on a degree of their pollution.

About quality of works

" ECOTOR " offers the most full decision of the problems connected to clearing natural and sewage.
" ECOTOR " 's high technologies, efficiency of scientific development of the company and ability to satisfy all inquiries of consumers have allowed us to achieve a recognition in the International market.

" ECOTOR " carries out all kinds of works on designing, introduction and delivery of object "on a turn-key basis". All technologies are developed with use of the high-tech systems of the automated designing and management of technological process.
" ECOTOR " bears the property responsibility for quality of carried out works.
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