The Company "ECOTOR" is specialized in high technologies for environmental protection.
The Company "ECOTOR" applies technology which is competitive among the world largest manufacturers of purification installations.
The proposed technological complexes have been elaborated on the basis of conversion technologies of military industry complex destined initially for utilization of chemical weapons.
Joint-Stock Company " Ecotor " carries out:
development and introduction of unique technologies on sewage treatment:
- rural and industrial settlements
- big and small cities
- the industrial enterprises
modernization of working constructions on sewage treatment with the purpose to increase their productivity and quality of the cleared water

The equipment for purification of drains of the "ECOTOR" company has following advantages as compared with classic purification works:
Reduction of occupied area - more than in 50 times

Waste Treatment Facility (WTF)
Health improving - industrial complex "PINE FOREST"

Reduction of scope of construction-erection works more than in 5 times
Power consumption cut - in 2-3 times
Absence of consumable materials (reagents)
Airtightness of equipment, and as a consequence, low level of noises, complete absence of discharges into the atmosphere and odours
Small amount of settling and possibility of its transformation into certified organic fertilizer
High reliability and safe operation life of the equipment

Joint-Stock Company " ECOTOR " carries out:

Transporting WTF

gathering of the initial data, realization of design and research works (if necessary)
delivery of the complete equipment and materials
(manual) technical management at installation, adjustment and putting into operation
  guarantee and after guarantee services, delivery of spare parts

The systems are destined for complete purification and recovery of industrial, domestic and natural water with any multi-component contaminants including high toxic contaminations and achieving the required quantity with utilization of liquid and hard phases.
The studies of the Company "ECOTOR" are awarded by a number of international awards and diplomas ("For the best study work" in Vienna in 1997, golden and silver medals of various exhibitions).
The installations of the Company "ECOTOR" have been successfully operated for many years in Russia and Italy.

WTF "Tinseta" factory Komo, Italy



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